Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Report From TTC Meeting In Coupland

Jane Van Praag gives us a report on this meeting and the issues facing many in rural Eastern Williamson County:

I Have just returned with Courtney from a meeting on the TTC in Coupland.. In case any of y'all don't know about this extreme east Williamson County community, this has been one of the most extreme rigidly Republican strongholds ever to be encountered. My feeling is: 'has been' but no longer, for part of the TTC scheme is to move the Union Pacific Rail Road between its present Mopac location and Coupland, to somewhere a tad west of Coupland. The rationale is, it's better to kill off a few farm families than risk a couple blocks of city dwellers in case there's a serious hazardous material spill. Not only are officials expecting us to go along with this as our patriotic duty, the powers that be intend to use imminent domain to take away our private land in order to give it to other private entities. You see, this is where we rural types draw the line. We'll die for you, but not if we can't maintain crop production. The Blackland Prairie is some of the most fertile soil in the state/nation/world. Who's going to feed our multitudes once we're gone and the earth is paved?

We were so insulted with Precinct 4 Commissioner Frankie Limmer's lame excuses that, after I had several choice things to say, a couple of men in the back shouted, "Well, maybe we oughta make her Commissioner, then!" Of course, I let that slide..but, Brig Mireles, Courtney and I are greeting the crowds ready for you!!!! Y'all should've heard the two assistants Krusee sent in his cowardly stead: no, no, Krusee was just as powerless as Limmer, no, no, it wasn't Krusee's fault....no, no, he/they have no idea what's going on but are sure it's going to be just what we all want and besides nothing will be in effect for another 50 years, and no, no if we must blame someone, blame Perry. We couldn't get a straight answer out of any of them. Then they accused us of being hostile. To my mind, it's nothing but hostile to purposely deny accountability, to mislead, to confuse, to compound issues. One of the gents told me tomorrow he's writing Krusee to express resentment over his assistants' condescending manner. No doubt Krusee will be astonished to learn we are at ease with words of four and more syllables.
Great stuff Jane! Thanks for the report.

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