Friday, April 08, 2005

Big Picture News

Although this blog is intended to shine a light on local issues we still need to keep an eye on the state and nation as it relates to us locally. Occasionally I will highlight those stories. Today's will show how the overall corruption in the Republican Party relates to a theme, unchecked power, I have made reference to lately.

But let's start with some Democratic news. So far Chris Bell is the only Democrat that appears to be running for governor next year. If you don't remember he is the former Congressman from the Houston area that was redistricted out of office by Tom DeLay and is responsible for filing the ethics charges against DeLay in the House last year. Check out his speech from last month, The Mandate of the New Mainstream. Here is the latest news about the Team Bell is putting together, from Off the Kuff.

The Republicans from Texas representing our state in DC have now resorted to making veiled threats against judges. Here is what the Houston Chronicle had to say about it, Sen. John Cornyn's comments linking violence against judges to their rulings are inaccurate and incendiary. He should repudiate them:
Sen. Cornyn and Rep. DeLay owe the country — and its dedicated judges — unconditional apologies and specific disavowal of their insensitive and irresponsible remarks.
At the least! Threatening Judges, that's pretty evil.

Watch them run from Tom DeLay!
The Governor, Speaker and Lt. Governor are all running from the responsibility of hiring a former DeLay staffer as a state paid lobbyist, Craddick says Perry pushed for lobbyist, and Craddick says no Perry did and..

Has Anybody Seen or Heard From John Carter Lately?
Other than a couple of articles referring to his visit to Killeen and his comments about gas prices and the energy bill, Congressman Carter has been very quiet over the last few weeks. Looking at his site, the Media Center in particular, I noticed that he had been writing an almost weekly column along with regular press releases. We are now two weeks without a column and have no press releases for April. DeLay got your tongue Congressman?

DeLay it appears is finally starting to stink pretty bad as evidenced by state Republicans not wanting to be associated with his ex-staffer. Speaking of DeLay's ex-staffer did you see this story? DeLay alumni earn at least $45 million for lobbying firms:
"When politicians, the Republican majority, decides it is above the law, the American people are now seeing that they have a price to pay – at the pump, for their pharmaceuticals, and in the absence of initiatives that would help grow our economy, and to feed our children, provide for the health of our people, protect our environment and, indeed, even provide for the common defense," said Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California.
That's got to make you at least a little mad? It's great when Democrats fight back!

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