Monday, May 02, 2005

CorridorWatch & An Update On Mike Krusee's Huge Taxpayer Soaking

I don't believe most Texans, myself included, really understood what this whole Trans-Texas Corridor (TTC) was going to entail two years ago when it was put through the legislature. Not to mention that it was really set in motion two years earlier by Proposition 15. But like any other "big project" like this that is rammed through a legislative body and put on a ballot with a deceptive caption, it has many flaws. All you have to do is check out the bills filed by Rep. Krusee this session (linked on the right) and notice how many of them pertain to transportation and the flawed bill of the 78th legislature, HB 3588, which created the TTC. Tomorrow Corridor Watch, a group against the TTC, will lead a rally at the Capitol in an attempt to show public displeasure with the plan so far and try to get a committee hearing for HB 3363, which hopes to put a two year moratorium on the TTC while it can be reevaluated. Although it doesn't look like it will make it out of committee:
However, the panel doesn't plan to consider the bill, said Jason Nelson, a spokesman for committee chairman Rep. Mike Krusee, R-Round Rock. Tuesday is the committee's final meeting this session to conduct hearings on bills.
It sure would be nice to call the chair of the House Transportation Committee about this and let him know you would like some action on this bill. The committee phone number is (512) 463-0818, his capitol office number is (512) 463-0670. Call them both and let him know how you feel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you.