Friday, September 16, 2005

If You Know What's Good Fer Ya

I didn't really hear about this until yesterday but this seems very wrong to me, Round Rock drag show prompts fire inspection:
"The constituents we've heard from are concerned about the immorality of it, that it's promoting homosexuality," said Maxwell, who spoke with coffee shop owner Sarah Roberts on Tuesday morning.
Is there a law against that in Round Rock?
Maxwell said he told Roberts, "Sarah, you've got to look out after your business. You've hit a lot of people's radar screens."

Roberts said that she and Maxwell had a friendly visit but that she defended herself.

"I told him there's not anybody with more morals and with more integrity," Roberts said. "I said, 'What's the big deal? This is . . . a talent performance. These guys were impersonating famous performers, and one of them was an acrobat.' "
Reminds me of one of those old westerns when someone is reminded that they need to do what there told if they know what's good for them.

How does the owner, Sara Roberts, respond?
Roberts said she reminded Maxwell about the annual junior high and high school tradition of dressing football players in cheerleading uniforms.

"Everybody thinks it's funny and cute," she said.

Roberts said most of the feedback she's received has been positive.

As for the overflow crowd, Roberts said she's drawn that many people to other events, including for Christian band shows, CD release parties and a 25th wedding anniversary.

"I've never had anybody question the occupancy of this place," she said. "They've never called and told me, this was the code, this was the ordinance. Now I know, and I'm glad."
Sounds logical to me. Well this is Williamson County and it's a whole different animal when it comes to people that, let me see, how should I say this, don't fit the type:
Maxwell said Roberts should pay attention to public perceptions if she's going to stay successful as a business owner.

"A single event like this will not affect the viability of business downtown or the overall environment or the family-first environment," he said. "We have too many strong, conservative values, and this is a single event. There may or not be more. That's up to how Sarah conducts her business."

Roberts said she'll book more drag shows if there is a demand.

Maxwell said although he wouldn't personally condone drag shows, "it is not my position to stand in judgment of how she runs a business as long as it's legal and it is not endangering the health of her employees or customers. This is not Sixth Street, Austin, Texas; this is Round Rock, and it's a world of difference."
Sounds like they're about ready to run her out of town. Wow, we really need some new leadership in this county. These people are just downright mean. Whether you agree with a drag show or not is really not the point. The point is does a business owner in Round Rock have the right to do what they please in their business as long as it's not against the law. This is sending a message to a business for doing something that offends the supposed moral values of some in a community. That is wrong. Isn't this something that governments around the world do that makes them look undemocratic and uncivilized?

More here from Pandagon, It turned out the actual problem was there's a law against dancing in Round Rock.

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