Friday, March 17, 2006

Perry Calls Special Session For April 17th

Gov. Perry says One more time for the Supreme Court:
"The Texas Supreme Court has ruled that Texas -’ current tax system must be reformed by June 1,"” Perry said. "This special session provides legislators of both parties a rare opportunity to significantly reduce property taxes, make substantial reforms to the franchise tax so it is fairer and broader, and ensure our schools have a reliable and constitutional stream of revenue."
No big shocker here. We knew this was coming. Sharp's crony commission the TTRC will be releasing it's report next week and will be holding two hearings in Austin next week. Some are joyous and think that Sharp is a miracle worker for coming up with a fix this quick. He may have. Bur remember this puts no new money into schools, it's revenue neutral, and the legislature hasn't got a hold of it yet.

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