Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Sharp Task Force, Where Is It?

John Sharp gave a speech on Friday at the Texas Taxpayers and Research Association (TTARA) annual meeting, excepting Sen. Whitmire it was an all Republican affair. As the Chris Bell campaign points out Perry's Sharp Task Force is using the "wait-and-see" approach when it comes to appointing members to the panel that will fix the governor's #1 priority. I guess they're waiting for the court ruling so they can tailor the groups membership to what the fix is going to be? The saddest part in all of this is what Mr. Sharp's fix is:
But he emphasized a need to change the current business franchise tax system, which most businesses are not obligated to pay.

"I believe that we have to have a tax system that everybody pays in the state of Texas," Sharp said.
This is the same thing that couldn't get passed through the sessions earlier this year! All of the sudden with a new court ruling all these businesses are just going to lay down and accept being taxed? If this is going to be the task force's focus then what's the point? And of course the easiest way to tax everyone evenly and lower property taxes won't even be discussed:
Perry and Sharp have ruled out the income tax as an option.

"I hope my grandchildren are dead and there's still not an income tax in the state of Texas," Sharp said.
If it's such a bad idea at least put it on the table and show us why. I should be easy, right?

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