Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Why Won't Congressman John Carter Respond To Mary Beth Harrell About Torture?

One week ago Mary Beth Harrell called on John Carter to reject the efforts of former Majority Leader Tom DeLay and others to derail a legislative initiative that would ban the torture of prisoners in the custody of the U.S. military. Carter has not taken action. Today, Mary Beth faxed the following letter to Carter's office in Washington D.C.
The Honorable John R. Carter

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

U.S. House of Representatives

408 Cannon HOB

Washington, D.C. 20515

via fax: 202-225-5886

Dear Mr. Carter:

It has been one week since I called on you to reject the efforts of former Majority Leader Tom DeLay and others to derail a legislative initiative that would ban the torture of prisoners in the custody of the U.S. military.

Sponsored by Sen. John McCain and passed overwhelmingly this month in the U.S. Senate, the amendment would prohibit the "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of prisoners under U.S. jurisdiction. Yet, your political allies are preparing to block this amendment as part of the massive defense authorization bill.

Mr. Carter, you should know that this is a matter of great urgency to Ft. Hood soldiers defending our freedoms abroad and to their families back home.

Torture officially sanctioned by the U.S. would not just be morally reprehensible; it also serves no tactical purpose. Torture would place our own troops at even greater risk of retaliation if captured by terrorists and their allies. And all for a legal loophole that most experts agree would permit an ineffective tactic, since tortured prisoners invariably confess to anything and everything in order to make the torture stop.

Saddam Hussein’s trial starts today. I urge you to make it clear to your constituents and the voters of CD31 that you stand in favor of the McCain amendment and will oppose the efforts of DeLay and your other political allies to allow the U.S. to sink to the standards of a brutal ex-dictator.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How could anyone but the most out-of-touch ideologue oppose McCain's amendment? As McCain himself said when he introduced the ban on torture: "This isn't about them; it's about us."