Tuesday, February 14, 2006

David Van Os Has A Few Questions For Greg Abbott

This press release from the Van Os campaign:
Van Os to Abbott: Explain these connections!

Texans have a Constitutional right to uncorrupted government that serves and benefits the people instead of power-hungry political dictatorships. Texans most especially have a right to expect the state’s chief lawyer to be independent of any such taint.

Texans have a right to know that wheeler-dealer Republican political operative John Colyandro, a central figure in the Tom DeLay-TRMPAC money-laundering scandal that funneled large sums of corporate dollars into the hands of Texas Republican candidates in the 2002 general election, served on Greg Abbott’s campaign payroll during the same time frame in 2002.

Texans also have a right to know that Greg Abbott is one of the favorite candidates of Bob Perry of Perry Homebuilders. Perry is one of the biggest financiers of Karl Rove’s favorite political tactic of maligning their opponent with insults and lies. For example, he financed the so-called "Swift Boat Veterans" in their 2004 smear of John Kerry. Since 2001 Bob Perry and his wife have contributed over $570,000 to Abbott's campaign accounts. In the month of December 2005 alone, Perry gave Abbott $50,000 in one payment.

This might explain Abbott’s unswerving allegiance to the Rove-Bush-DeLay political machine, such as when he gave prompt legal clearance in 2003 to DeLay’s power-grabbing redistricting scheme -- from which the U.S. Supreme Court has accepted an appeal on constitutional and voting rights grounds and will conduct expedited argument beginning March 1.

No doubt Abbott’s cronies in the Rove-Bush political machine will give him the best hatchet men Republican money can buy to smear me with their usual lies in their desperation to stop me from restoring the Attorney Generalship to the people.

Greg Abbott would do better addressing questions he needs to answer, such as the still-unanswered inquiry I sent him over 3 weeks ago about his constitutional duty to investigate Rick Perry’s toll-road schemes. Abbott also needs to tell Texans about the connections that brought and kept John Colyandro in his employ at the same time Colyandro was taking care of Tom DeLay and TRMPAC, as well as why one wealthy right-wing Houston homebuilder continuously showers him with so much green. The people will await his answers, but they won’t be holding their breaths
I don't think he'll answer these unless we make him. Contact him or give him a call, (512) 463-2100
(800) 252-8011 or (512) 475-4413


Sal Costello said...

AG Greg Abbott,

TxDOT's new Comprehensive Development Agreements (CDAs) are the Gov. Perry/Krusee tool created to hold back public disclosure, public debate, legislative oversight, open and transparent government and local control. The short history of the CDAs, often related to the privatization and tolling of our public highways and the Trans Texas Corridor, have already proven to be rife with secrecy.

1) Attorney General opinion states Cintra must release CDA to Houston Chronicle: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/3212402.html

2) Cintra sues Texas Attorney General to keep CDA a secret!!!:

3) San Antonio Lightning acquires CDA and Cintra threatens another lawsuit: http://www.sanantoniolightning.com/snitchzach.html

“CDA’s will reduce the cost that you all - will have to bear”.
– A statement by Phillip Russell, Director of TxDOT's Turnpike divisions
as he addressed the Jan 17th audience full of private corporations.

CDA's are NO BID, secret contracts that give away our tax dollars, land and our property to private corporations.
CDA's are nothing but a tool used for corporate welfare.

I ask that you investigate this violation of public trust, or step aside and we'll get someone else to do it.

Sal Costello
Founder of People for Efficient Transportation
PO Box 90715
Austin, TX 78709

Anonymous said...


Now I understand what you mean when you say "Fight them till hell freezes over , then fight them on the ice!" Keep up the good fight. It is refreshing and uncommon to see such honesty in politics.

snarko! said...

I think if more Texans knew about this, they'd be asking so many questions he'd HAVE to answer about Colyandro, at the very least.

Thanks for continued whistle-blowing on things that actually matter!