Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Precinct 2 Commissioner's Race & More On The Commission

Tomorrow's Precinct 2 Forum in Cedar Park provides voters an opportunity to meet and listen to the candidates before the primary. The HCN has an article about who's contributed to the commissioner candidates in precinct 2, Political backers keep race moving. Don't forget that there is a potential case pending against Williamson County for the un-accountable government the one-party rule of this county has brought about, Case shines light on county deliberations. The last couple few paragraphs of the article say it all:
Two hearings for temporary relief ended with no decision in Griffin's favor, leaving the Court's decision in tact, but were identified at the time by the judge and plaintiff's counsel as part of the entire lawsuit process.

Now that the petition for the lawsuit has been filed, interrogatives (written responses), depositions (oral interviews), and trial could be next. If the Court found that commissioners were in violation of the act, it would be up to the district attorney to press charges, (former Texas attorney general Jim) Mattox said.

The county judge, attorney and counsel could not be reached for comment.
Do you honestly believe a Republican DA will press charges against an all Republican commissioners court without pressure. If there was a Democrat or two on the court I'm sure they make sure this didn't just go away. If you want an end to secret meetings, pre-determined outcomes and unaccountable government you need to give serious consideration to Michael Hofmann and Brig Mireles for the court. Visit his web site to help out and contribute, www.votehofmann.com.

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